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femme regardant la Terre
on 12-12-2022
was chosen to bring together Human Beings of light or on the way to becoming light thanks to the Revival.... 
An armor of Quantum vibration, framing their physical body, was installed around them, immunizing them from negative frequencies, in order to be able to finalize the gathering by frequencies of the body of humanity, in Love and Peace.
This protection cannot be destroyed, not being of the same level of vibration of the 3D or the forces of shadow. She is indestructible.
All of this was decided  in the greatest secrecy, in order to neutralize anything that could  contravene the correct set-up, and from Planet Earth-Gaia . This was done, without interference, by a Master of Light responsible for the Birth of humanity.
All Humanity is concerned according to its merits....

Planète Terre
The Flower of Life and the Tree of Life
Just as life arises from the multiplication of cells, blooming like a flower,
Just as intelligence  and information will design balancing concepts, leading   living it to perfection by light.

Thus will be able to hatch, in a gesture of Love, a Tree of life, or living transformation of the Human Being, en  Light:The LIVING Human Temple.
Or the reunion of body and soul.

The often difficult journey will serve as a battle for the human being, so that he remembers that nothing is given or acquired without perseverance or effort.

EVERYTHING is energy...
EVERYTHING is transmission of energy....
EVERYTHING is Quantum physical..., quantum energy,  quantum frequencies, developing as needed and Awakened, forces greater than anything you have known....
ALL is Transmission  of Quantum information,

And the more the transmissions are refined,
The more powerful they become,
Thus forming, starting from the Flower of Life, a tree of Life with multiple functions.

On this day of 14 -12- 2022 at 12:12 p.m., has just ended the greatest transformation of unborn humanity, in order to  allow the reunion of matter with the Soul.
2,000 years ago, a door opened to a male era with Jesus,
Now that door is closing, to allow another to open into a feminine era.

For this in order to allow these living cells, in harmony with their Soul, to be born in the light, body and Soul, a device of vibratory frequencies has been designed, connecting each to spheres of quantum energies of the same level. These spheres are defined according to the Sephiroth, or Chacras or energy centers.
Each sphere is different according to its qualities,   and begins in living formation, from the cell of a human, animal, or vegetable body, and extends to all levels of Consciousness of our solar system , and on all levels, physical, psychic, and spiritual.
Each level of consciousness, on 10 levels, will be able to communicate through secure corridors, with all humans, in preparation for the birth of this child called HUMANITY.
All connections are made and tamper-proof.
Humanity will therefore be able, after birth, to move towards the directions to which it aspires, in order to continue its journey of life.

Walk with your head held high, and do not listen to the sound of dark forces. Listen only to the inner voice of your conscience, many people are waiting for you on the other side.
We are close to the end, your feelings will guide you.

WAKE UP, GATHER and Love one another, in Love of Light, .... the Door will soon open.


Symboles de planètes
The ten Sephiroth :
They are the perfections and attributes of the divine Essence, which are inseparably linked together, and on whose assembly depends the creation, preservation and preservation.
conduct of the universe.
Constructions futuristes
Copyright Maev- Mars 2020-2024
Reproduction interdite

Union Light Angels

Tortue de mer
Pour Vous
Pour Nous
Planète Terre
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