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18 - MANAGING LIFE on Earth -

Managing is knowing how to put the right elements in the right place, as an excellent chef's cuisine will make you savor each food, while balancing the flavors.


How can we manage life on Earth?

Managing is above all analyzing the elements involved, knowing how to build the supports and harmonize them.

Everything that should not be part of the whole must be eliminated so as not to unbalance the WHOLE.


A human who awakens to the world needs a basis to live.

Just like the primary colors of yellow, blue, and red

give birth to complementary colors, in order to

go from black to white. The human being arriving on earth as

everything that is alive, like nature, and animals, needs

healthy food, pure water, and oxygen. These are the basics,

primary, to which will be added the complementary bases, for

multiply to LIFE.

Whenever our bases are out of balance, imbalances set in.

Imagine that food is lacking, it is Death!

Imagine that the water is lacking, it is Death.

Imagine that the oxygen is lacking, it is Death!

And yet to build a world, or a society, it is necessary that the bases are solid, that the basic elements are at the Top ....

Have we thought that it is not the race forward, full of fears, and contradictions that will make live all that is alive on Earth!

Wouldn't it lack some solid supports, to allow everything to stand upright?

Have you seen polluted seas?

Have you become aware of these pesticides destroying the earth to the point of destroying everything, and preventing the renewal of the impoverished and dying earth?

Have you noticed that oxygen becomes scarce, making it difficult for us to breathe, and no longer managing to oxygenate our brain, nor to nourish our blood?

We destroy everything including ourselves.

What ... have you, ... have you, ... have you ...? Are we stupid to the point of feeding on pollution, wifi interference, cell phone addiction, and vehicles sucking their adorable bottle of gasoline? Really, what are these junk carriers ...!

Is this what we need to live ... !!!

In a balanced society, shouldn't the complementary supports be more adapted to the evolution ...? Shouldn't we be thinking of a transition period ...? Solid, thoughtful, and creative ....

First of all since we started with the food;

- Wouldn't it be more elementary to make sure that we eat is healthy, devoid of poison, that is to say with living things ...

- That the water we drink, is pure, and not recycled, containing all the medicated detritus .... and even worse.

- That the air we breathe is pure, in order to live healthy ...

Ah! ... yes .... we arrive at the HEALTH result ...!.

It is customary to speak of illness, as if being sick were part of health ... When we are sick, health has been quite forgotten, is it not! So ... we are not healthy .... So health is gone ...!

If we understand correctly, we have put aside our health, in order to cultivate disease ....! It is a paradox in fact. Why cultivate a state of sickness, if we can be healthy ... It's a tall order, isn't it?

And yet it is on this ineptitude that humanity rests at the moment ... We run after the virus, we count the dead, and by dint of scaring ourselves, we run after a vaccine !!!! It's the world upside down.

Let's stay in a concrete, living world of this life that makes you want to create and transform all this ugliness, into beauty. Let's eat healthy to live healthy ...

Ah well .... I just understood something! But yes it is of course, I did not make the link ...: some cultivate disease and die from it, and others cultivate health and live from it. Ah, there it is, I found the cure ...!

Frankly, it wasn't worth making so much noise. I only think that some needed recognition and had the idea of ​​putting themselves forward by passing for saviors ...

You said savior, but where did the executioner go .... because in fact we only have victims ....!

After this example, let's explore what keeps everyone alive, even if it's not perfect and needs to be reworked: The economy ...

Ah! here we are, even if everyone knows that life or work are planetary factors to be reviewed, favoring the culture of disease ... It is obvious to note that humans are so happy to be exploited, that they want more. This is why they agreed to be deprived of it ..... hum! I don't think we asked them anything ...!

The economy is the extension of life and above all the means of extending life, or even stabilizing it. But the problem is that for that it needs solid supports.

What have we been able to put in place on earth?:

- Money , in order to create a medium of exchange.

Yes it was a solution, but in the short term, the most voracious using this medium to enrich themselves to the detriment of others ....

The system must therefore be reviewed and changed, as must the silver merchants ...

- Governing : it means doing it as a good father, taking care of everyone, and ensuring that everyone has enough to eat. This is not arguing over the balance of power, it is asking the people for their opinion, and not letting people believe that power gives you all the rights.

To govern well you have to know how to get off your pedestal and create another system of values, bringing the people together, not isolating them. It is called Polethics.

The current system is biased, leaving power to the evil ones brimming with ego and favoring those who are like them. Everything is corrupt.

It is true that the poor quality of these 26,000 years in the air of metal, the Kali Yuga, has not favored a balanced development for this humanity in gestation, and that using the rotten supports in place would not serve to great thing.

What supports are we going to put in place, while waiting to experience another 26,000 years in the light?

It's by coming together, and working together, that we're going to do it. There is strength in unity, and it is together that we are going to lift ourselves vibrationally towards the universe in order to receive the answers we need. It is when we wake up that LOVE will be born in each of us.

Let's act quickly, time is running out.

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