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What can we understand?

The planet we currently live on is changing. The forces clash resulting in hard, conflictual relationships, preventing us from being, and from realizing ourselves.

The "I am" seems no longer to have its place.

As in all situations of contradictory reports, we have solutions. Currently the situation is not negotiable, and leaves no association of ideas, for an acceptable future. It therefore becomes important to study in depth the bases on which we could evolve .... as far as possible!

The foundations on which we operate are not credible, and the Age of the Fish is ending with its share of wars, massacres, corruption and abuse of power. Suddenly changing the mechanism of all kinds of relationships cannot really see the light of day. Nothing will be the same, and a transition is necessary.

What are the current basic needs for establishing a strategy?


The bases currently for survival are:

- To meet, to gather even virtually, since at this moment we are not only pawns ...

- Define essential needs,

- And support each other.

The needs to be defined are food, social, health, exchanges of all kinds, work, resourcing, organization, protection of our environment, balance, resources, entertainment ... everything being based on positive relationships and mutual aid and work on oneself.

The old bases being outdated, it would therefore be necessary to review the pillars of the company at the foundation levels in order to:

- Human being,

- Nature,

- Non-polluting and organic supply,

- Natural resources,

- Communication,

- Creative and non-destructive work, fairly remunerated,

- Respect for everyone in their difference, color, ability,

- The education of children in creativity and awareness.

We will have to make our choices, choose our side, and accept mutual aid, equality, respect, and freedom, this one starting where that of others ends.

Teach the truth, the different ways to live well, and eat, as well as to heal oneself, physically, and psychically according to the laws of the universe.

Money does not buy happiness, they say, and neither do billionaires. Certain values ​​are to be called into question for those who will participate in the transformations, either in embryonic ways or to continue after the end of the taking of CONSCIENCE and Love. EVERYTHING COMES TO AN END !

We are not a MYTH: The myth being the ESCAPE from the MYSTERY. "A.D GRAD - Les clefs secrètes d'Israël - le livre des principes kabbalistiques."

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